In this modern age, it is very easy to assume we have deep knowledge of tools and technologies we have encountered or use frequently. However, this should not be the case seeing advancement is at a fast pace this century. Wikiflip and Wikimaster were learned as ways of getting familiarized with Wikipedia. Before now, […]
TEEP Training.
Entrepreneurship and The 21st Century Woman Entrepreneurship is fast becoming the 21st-century art as it’s skills are greatly required in every sector/industry. However, there have been entrepreneurs, there are entrepreneurs, and there will be entrepreneurs. The bridge between these categories being advancement, new technologies/ innovations. It can be seen that majority of the masses embrace […]
International Women’s Day
In the earliest times, Women were seen as individuals whose assignments were strictly childbearing and domestic activities. Families were reluctant to give their female offsprings access to education and the society also withheld some rights from them e.g voting rights, inability to occupy leadership positions to mention a few. Though the intensity […]